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The New Pearl Church
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We are instutionalized
Be the Change!!
Who is my House?
...the root of ALL evil
A Change of Heart
Open my EYES!
Stumbling in the darkness
Judgment in the HOUSE
That Woman....Those People!
Self Hatred
What do you really know??
Violence...How Violent are you??
The Laws of GRACE
How do you see the world?
How do I change my glasses?
Cracked Eye Glasses
The Awesome Power of FAITH in GOD!
Peace in the Storm
Buddhist Christian
How do we "Miss" GOD??
How can two walk together??
US and THEM!!
Strong Delusion
Faith and Truth
Where there is unity….there is power!
The Switchbacks of Life
Seeding into the Future -- Part I
Seeding into the Future -- Part II
Seeding into the Future -- Part III
Come Clean!
Right Knowing
Right Believing
Who's Praise is it...Anyway??
Right Behavior
Reckless Indifference
Pieces......of Scripture
Two Brothers
How can you??
GOD....are you seeing what I am seeing??
Who is you?
Do you know HIM?
Where I am now is NOT my future!
What do you...KNOW?
What is birthing in you..?
Time to WORK!
The Cost of Disobedience
Choose Life
Faith and Talents
What is Going On??!!
Where are We??
Dont't Get Involved!!
WAKE UP!!.....My Sisters!!
Where are the Good Men and Women!!??
ZERO Sum Game!!
Help Me....with my UNBELIEF!!
New Start
What are you willing to do to be different?
It is Truth…but is it truth to you?
Zero Sum Faith
What you SEE is WHAT you get?
Made Up Mind
What are you willing to give?
Lemonade from Lemons
You CAN'T make me!!
What about YOU!!??
Who will you Be??!!
You ARE Worthy!!
Teamwork makes the DREAM Work!!
Don' t Get Tricked!!
How is your leaven????
Where is your Proof??!!
What's Love got to do with it??
What's Love got to do with it?? Part II
Taking care of Bizness!
Give us a KING!!
Part IV Me and I
Alternative Truth
Plural Personal Pronouns
What is the Good Life....and how do I get it??
What is the Good Life....and how do I get it??
Pride of Life
Part I Tip, Tithe or Trust
Trauma + Hope = Faith
Really...Really Is that a christian?
GOD's Guarantees
Part II Using your wealth for the Community
Open Your Eyes!
One Body...One Family....One People
Love covers a multitude of Sins!
Where is the Love??
Why this TROUBLE??!!
In or Out??
A Few Good Women
Why this TROUBLE??!!
What Shall We DO!!??
Week 6 - Numbers 16-19
When Love is NOT Enough!!!
Bad Theology
WHAT you KNOW IS WHO you are!
Serve in the Uncomfortable Place!
Where do YOU fit in??
Where do YOU fit in --- Part II??
A Different Mirror
Are you Free??
Show me your Glory
Imperfect People!
If… GOD is for me…..?
Who do YOU choose..?
The Snares of the enemy
Looking but not seeing…..
Do you want to be known by HIM?
We NEED Scripture to Live!!
Broken Fellowship
Can you stand the fire!!??
Are you a NEW Creature??
Why do I need a Preacher?
Why do we NOT believe?
Praying like JESUS
Will YOU Pass the TEST??!!
Where is the Love???
It doesn’t take that many!
Do Unto Others
Lead me NOT
How will you use your gifted---ness???
Hannah's Boy..."Who will you believe"??
Why are you afraid??
What Now!!??
The Joy of Ignorance
The Truth about Obedience
Trouble Won't Last Always!!
Don't Give UP!!
Is satan Real???
I’m ONLY focused on this one thing right now
Are you Free??!!
Put your money where you mouth is!
What's the Difference??
While we were YET sinners
Cheap Grace
Who are You??
What are you willing to change??
Stockholm Syndrome
What’s wrong with the phrase?
"Let your light so shine before men….”
Power-Purposed Community
What kind of Believer ar e YOU!!??
The Hockey-Pockey
DNA versus "THE WAY"
When will enough be enough??
The Trick of the enemy __ Part I
I don't!!
There is NONE so BLIND....
The Man in the mirror
Even when it looks bad....GOD's still got you!
What is Real? Whose Report Do You Believe?
Composed Power with Purpose!!!
Are you REALLY Free?
Faith with works is DEAD!!
A little leaven leavens the whole lump!
The Just shall live by Faith!
How does the world you?
Give your Best....Because you are Blessed!!
What is your Community -- Part I
What is your Community -- Part II
What is your Community -- Part III
Think.....on these THINGS!
Will the REAL JESUS stand up!!
Right vs. Righteousness
Where do we go from here?
Just OBEY!!
Life is a Fight -- Part I
Life is a Fight -- Part II
Life is a Fight -- Part III
Obey all Authories.....REALLY!!??
The Secret to Success -- Forgetting and Reaching
The REAL Deal !!
What will be your Red Sea???
Knowledge changes…Will you change?
What is a REAL Christian??
Is your life in order?
What is your GIFT and how eill you use it?
Selfishness…the poison of communities
The FEAR of the LORD!
There is NOTHING new under the sun!
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